Alice DNA ITC Box Classic (English Speaking)

Alice DNA ITC Box Classic – The latest addition to The Alice Box Family…. This version uses the same circuitry and word bank but has an updated display that increases the word history from two to four words.  The super bright efficient display incorporates virtual status LEDs that replace the physical LEDs on the front fascia of the original version helping preserve battery life further still.

As with all of the Alice devices, Jo Saul, the creator of the original Windows based version of Alice has provided her input and support for which we are ever grateful of.

For those of you that have used the Windows version of the Alice Box, you will know that it is a psychokinetic app that displays words on the screen.  The Alice DNA ITC Box Classic takes all of the unique algorithms and routines used by the popular software version and developed over several years, and runs within its own chassis/enclosure. It’s a true stand-alone device with the unique behavior of the original.

Additionally, it now audibly announces each word as they are selected, together with clearly displaying them (a very often requested feature for the Windows version).

Alice will requires 4xAA Alkaline Batteries that will provide approximately 8 hours of continued use.  Depending on the make of Alkaline batteries that are used, Alice may continue to run for longer.

When the batteries require changing, the device will occasionally reset after words have been announced or play an audible click.

Want to know more??  See what the hundreds of customers of Alice have to say….

Why not join the ALICE Box community page on Facebook!  You can see ALICE in action and comments from other users!


So what is ITC???

Instrumental Trans Communication is the name that has been given by Professor Ernst Senkowski, a German physicist, for the technique of contacting spirits using any electronic means, whether to capture the images of spirits, to record their voices, or, more lately, have them directly influence modern electronic equipment in order for them to communicate with us.

After years of activities in the domain of Trans Communication research, and in all the different types of mediumship development, our relationship has strengthened with our spirit partners, and we have learned how to connect with them and how to communicate with them.

Instrumental Trans Communication (ITC) and Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) are considered aspects of physical mediumship, as the spirit’s actions also affect the objects, specifically the equipment.


And what does ALICE do???

The Alice DNA ITC Box Lite is a custom designed software program which runs independently of a windows device.

A very long time in development and using wide ranging programmer skill sets in the specialized areas of natural language programming ( NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI), she is an ideal device to add to any paranormal group’s armory for site investigative work.

Her alternating scan lights flash hypnotically whilst the circuitry within the computer invites external influence by spirit entities.

As the programmed circuitry and code is influenced, the lights stop flashing and after a brief pause of a few seconds, a word or an entire phrase is displayed on her output line very clearly for all of the team to read followed by an audible announcement of the word..

Her internal dictionary has been duplicated from the original version of Alice, hence the name Alice DNA being given.

In use, the Alice DNA ITC Box Classic has proven to be remarkably accurate and relevant during paranormal investigations. The chances of the various words and phrases which she has output being selected at random are astronomically small! Consistency and relevance have been truly breath-taking during trials, and she continues to amaze… it’s not uncommon for her to give actual names which have strong verifiable connections with the building being investigated.


Alice Box ITC Tusi Edition (Bulgarian)

Alice Box ITC Tusi Edition

Alice Box ITC Tusi Edition На 9-ият рожден ден на Windows базираното компютърно приложение, беше обявено устройството Alice Tusi.

Малък брой устройства бяха дадени на доверени колеги в паранормалната област преди официалното пускане, заради което предварителните поръчки направени през март 2024 г., вероятно ще бъдат пуснати около април 2024 г.

Alice Tusi се отличава с разширен списък от думи, OLED дисплей с по-висока разделителна способност, предлагащ история с последните 4 избрани думи. Тъй като е много енергийно ефективен, дисплеят помага и за удължаване на живота на батерията.

Когато е позициониран хоризонтално, LED осветлението наречено “Halo” предоставя интерфейс, който позволява на духовете да посочват позицията си. Така помага на потребителя да разбера мястото от което призрака докосва уреда. Това също може да покаже дали съобщенията идват от множество източници или дори съобщенията са разговор между две същества.




Alice Box Tusi е самостоятелно ръчно устройство, удобно захранвано от 4xAA алкални батерии!!

Защо не се присъедините към фейсбук групата на ALICE Box? Може да видите ALICE в действие, както и коментари от други потребители използващи устройството!

Прераждането на Alice, тя е жива и нетърпелива да бъде използвана в следващото ви паранормално приключение!! Можете да видите еволюцията на Alice от базираното нa Windows приложение, пуснато за първи път през 2014 г. тук –

Устройството е налично на пет езика – английски, немски, италиански, френски и унгарски. Ако, не е изрично поискан друг език, Алис ще бъде изпратена с англоговорящ глас. От скоро уредът е наличен и на още един език – български. Преводът е направен благодарение на първите паранормални изследователи в България – FunBusters (Фънбъстърс)!

Работя в тясно сътрудничество с Джо Сол, създателят на оригиналната Windows базирана версия на Alice от известно време, и в резултат на това създадохме няколко напълно интегрирани хардуерни версии на Alicebox, оригиналната Alice ITC Box и новата направена през 2024 г. Alice TUSI.

За тези от вас, които са използвали Windows версията на Alice Box, това е психокинетично приложение, което показва думи на екрана.

Устройството Alice Box ITC прилага всички уникални алгоритми и процедури използвани от популярната софтуерна версия. Те са разработени в продължение на няколко години. Alice работи в собствена кутия. Това е истинско самостоятелно устройство с уникалното поведение, базирано на оригинала. В допълнение, сега Alice анонсира всяка дума със звук, когато е избрана, заедно с ясно изписване на екрана (много често изисквана функция за версията на Windows).

Устройството има и подобрен четириредов дисплей, който показва текущата дума и предходните три думи.

Alice ще изисква 4xAA алкални батерии, които ще осигурят приблизително 5-7 часа продължителна употреба. В зависимост от марката на използваните алкални батерии, Alice може да продължи да работи по-дълго. Когато батериите изискват смяна, устройството ще започне да се рестартира след произнасяне на думите.

И така, какво е ITC???

Инструментална транскомуникация е името, дадено от професор Ернст Сенковски – известен немски физик. Това е техниката за контакт с духове с помощта на всякакви електронни средства, независимо дали за улавяне на образите на призраците или за запис на гласовете им. Напоследък тази техника оказва пряко влияние върху съвременното електронно оборудване необходимо за комуникация с отвъдния свят.

След години дейности в областта на изследването на транскомуникациите и във всички различни видове развитие на медиумизма, нашата връзка с нашите духовни партньори се засили и ние се научихме как да се свързваме и общуваме с отвъдното.

Инструменталната транскомуникация (ITC) и електронният гласов феномен (EVP) се считат за аспекти на физическият медиумизъм, тъй като действията на духа също засягат обектите, по-специално оборудването което се използва.

И какво прави ALICE???

Alice Box ITC Device е специално проектирана софтуерна програма, която работи независимо от Windows устройство.

Много дълго време в разработване и използване на широк набор от програмистски умения в специализираните области на програмиране на естествен език (NLP) и изкуствен интелект (AI), тя е идеалното устройство за добавяне към арсенала на всички паранормални изследователи.

Тъй като програмираните схеми и код се влияят, думи или цели фрази се показват на нейния изходен ред много ясно, за да могат всички от екипа да ги прочетат, последвани от изговаряне на думата. Когато се използва в хоризонтално положение, LED ринга може да се използва за указване на посоката на източника на съобщението. Нейният вътрешен речник е дублиран от оригиналната версия на Alice и е допълнително разширен.

При употреба, ITC устройството Alice Box DNA Psychokinetic се оказа забележително точен и подходящ по време на паранормални изследвания. Шансовете различните думи и фрази, които са изведени на екрана да бъдат избрани на случаен принцип, са астрономически малки!

Последователността и уместността на Alice, бяха наистина спиращи дъха по време на тестовете и тя все още продължава да ни учудва… не е необичайно Alice дава действителни имена, които имат силни връзки с разследваната текуща сграда.

Alice Box ITC Tusi Edition (English Speaking)

Alice Box ITC Tusi Edition

On the 9th Birthday of the Windows based PC App, Alice Tusi was announced.

Alice Tusi benefits from an extended word bank, higher resolution OLED display offering a 4 line word history.  Being a very energy efficient, the display also helps to extend battery life.

When positioned horizontally, the LED Halo provides an interface to allow spirits to indicate their position potentially aiding the user to visualise the position of spirits which may also show if messages are coming from multiple sources or even conversations messages being passed between two entities.



The Prototype of Alice Tusi was tested in the field at the Ancient Ram Inn by Barri Ghai….


The Alice Box Tusi is a standalone handheld device conveniently powered by 4xAA Alkaline batteries!!

Why not join the ALICE Box community page on Facebook!  You can see ALICE in action and comments from other users!

The Rebirth of Alice, She is alive and eager to be used on your next Paranormal adventure!! You can see the evolution of Alice from the Windows based app first launched in 2014 here

For those of you that have used the Windows version of the Alice Box, you will know that it is a psychokinetic app that displays words on the screen.

The Alice Box ITC Device takes all of the unique algorithms and routines used by the popular software version and developed over several years, and runs within its own chassis/enclosure. It’s a true stand-alone device with the unique behavior of the original.

Additionally, it now audibly announces each word as they are selected, together with clearly displaying them (a very often requested feature for the Windows version).

The device also has an improved four line display, that shows the current word and the previous three words.

Alice will requires 4xAA Alkaline Batteries that will provide approximately 5-7 hours of continued use.  Depending on the make of Alkaline batteries that are used, Alice may continue to run for longer.  When the batteries require changing, the device will occasionally reset after words have been announced.

So what is ITC???

Instrumental Trans Communication is the name that has been given by Professor Ernst Senkowski, a German physicist, for the technique of contacting spirits using any electronic means, whether to capture the images of spirits, to record their voices, or, more lately, have them directly influence modern electronic equipment in order for them to communicate with us.

After years of activities in the domain of Trans Communication research, and in all the different types of mediumship development, our relationship has strengthened with our spirit partners, and we have learned how to connect with them and how to communicate with them.

Instrumental Trans Communication (ITC) and Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) are considered aspects of physical mediumship, as the spirit’s actions also affect the objects, specifically the equipment.

And what does ALICE do???

The Alice Box ITC Device is a custom designed software program which runs independently of a windows device.

A very long time in development and using wide ranging programmer skill sets in the specialised areas of natural language programming ( NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI), she is an ideal device to add to any paranormal group’s armory for site investigative work.

As the programmed circuitry and code is influenced, words or an entire phrases are displayed on her output line very clearly for all of the team to read followed by an audible announcement of the word.  When used in the horizontal position, the LED Halo can be used to indicate the direction of the message source.

Her internal dictionary has been duplicated from the original version of Alice and further extended.

In use, the Alice Box DNA Psychokinetic ITC Device has proven to be remarkably accurate and relevant during paranormal investigations. The chances of the various words and phrases which she has output being selected at random are astronomically small! Consistency and relevance have been truly breath-taking during trials, and she continues to amaze… it’s not uncommon for her to give actual names which have strong verifiable connections with the building being investigated.



Alice DNA ITC Dispositivo Di Transcomunicazione in Italiano



L’Alice Box DNA ITC Box è ora disponibile come dispositivo portatile autonomo, comodamente alimentato da 4 batterie alcaline AA!!

Perché non unirti alla pagina della community ALICE Box su Facebook! Puoi vedere ALICE in azione e i commenti degli altri utenti!

La rinascita di Alice, è viva e desiderosa di essere utilizzata nella tua prossima avventura paranormale!!

Sono disponibili cinque lingue naturali: inglese, tedesco, italiano, francese e ungherese.

Lavoro a stretto contatto con Jo Saul, il creatore della versione originale di Alice basata su Windows ormai da qualche tempo, e di conseguenza abbiamo creato una versione hardware completamente integrata di Alicebox.

Chi di voi ha utilizzato la versione Windows dell’Alice Box saprà che si tratta di un’app psicocinetica che visualizza parole sullo schermo.



*Alice DNA* utilizza tutti gli algoritmi e le routine unici utilizzati dalla popolare versione del software e sviluppati nel corso di diversi anni, e viene eseguito all’interno del proprio telaio/involucro. È un vero dispositivo autonomo con il comportamento unico dell’originale.

Inoltre, ora annuncia in modo udibile ogni parola non appena viene selezionata, oltre a visualizzarla chiaramente (una funzionalità molto spesso richiesta per la versione Windows).

Il dispositivo ITC psicocinetico Alice Box DNA ha anche un display a due righe, che mostra la parola corrente e la parola precedente.

La Retro Alice Box mostrata nella galleria di immagini può essere realizzata su richiesta, contattatemi per ulteriori dettagli e prezzi.

Questo renderà alcune indagini estremamente interessanti e suggestive!

Alice richiederà 4 batterie alcaline AA che forniranno circa 6-8 ore di uso continuato. A seconda della marca delle batterie alcaline utilizzate, Alice potrebbe continuare a funzionare più a lungo. Quando è necessario sostituire le batterie, il dispositivo si ripristina occasionalmente dopo che sono state pronunciate delle parole o viene riprodotto un clic udibile.

Allora cos’è l’ITC???

Transcomunicazione strumentale è il nome che è stato dato dal professor Ernst Senkowski, un fisico tedesco, alla tecnica di contattare gli spiriti utilizzando qualsiasi mezzo elettronico, sia per catturare le immagini degli spiriti, per registrare le loro voci o, più recentemente, farle influenzare direttamente le moderne apparecchiature elettroniche affinché possano comunicare con noi.

Dopo anni di attività nel campo della ricerca sulla transcomunicazione e in tutti i diversi tipi di sviluppo della medianità, il nostro rapporto con i nostri partner spirituali si è rafforzato e abbiamo imparato come connetterci con loro e come comunicare con loro.

La comunicazione transstrumentale (ITC) e i fenomeni vocali elettronici (EVP) sono considerati aspetti della medianità fisica, poiché le azioni dello spirito influenzano anche gli oggetti, in particolare l’attrezzatura.

E ALICE cosa fa???

Il dispositivo ITC psicocinetico Alice Box DNA è un programma software progettato su misura che funziona indipendentemente da un dispositivo Windows.

Avendo dedicato molto tempo allo sviluppo e utilizzando un’ampia gamma di competenze di programmazione nelle aree specializzate della programmazione in linguaggio naturale (PNL) e dell’intelligenza artificiale (AI), è un dispositivo ideale da aggiungere all’armeria di qualsiasi gruppo paranormale per il lavoro investigativo sui siti.

Le sue luci di scansione alternate lampeggiano ipnoticamente mentre i circuiti all’interno del computer invitano l’influenza esterna da parte di entità spirituali.

Quando il circuito e il codice programmati vengono influenzati, le luci smettono di lampeggiare e dopo una breve pausa di pochi secondi, una parola o un’intera frase viene visualizzata sulla linea di uscita in modo molto chiaro affinché tutta la squadra possa leggerla, seguita da un annuncio acustico di la parola..

Il suo dizionario interno è stato duplicato dalla versione originale di Alice, da qui il nome Alice DNA.

Nell’uso, il dispositivo ITC psicocinetico del DNA Alice Box ha dimostrato di essere straordinariamente accurato e pertinente durante le indagini sul paranormale. Le probabilità che le varie parole e frasi che ha prodotto vengano selezionate a caso sono astronomicamente piccole! La coerenza e la pertinenza sono state davvero mozzafiato durante i processi, e lei continua a stupire… non è raro che lei dia nomi reali che hanno forti collegamenti verificabili con l’edificio oggetto dell’indagine.

Az Alice Box DNA ITC Box – Hungarian / Magyar

Az Alice Box DNA ITC Box már önálló kézi eszközként is elérhető, amely kényelmesen 4xAA alkáli elemmel működik!!

Miért nem csatlakozik az ALICE Box közösségi oldalához a Facebookon! Láthatja ALICE működését és a többi felhasználó megjegyzéseit!

A oldalon megtekintheti Alice fejlődését a Windows alkalmazás 2013-as születésétől a hardver alapú eszközök jelenlegi kínálatáig.

Alice újjászületése, életben van, és alig várja, hogy felhasználhassák a következő paranormális kalandodban!!

Négy természetesen beszélő nyelv áll rendelkezésre, angol, német, olasz és magyar. Hacsak nem külön kérik, Alice angolul beszélő hangot kap.

Már egy ideje szorosan együttműködöm Jo Saullal, az Alice eredeti Windows alapú verziójának megalkotójával, és ennek eredményeként elkészítettük az Alicebox teljesen integrált hardveres verzióját.

Azok, akik használták az Alice Box Windows verzióját, tudni fogják, hogy ez egy pszichokinetikus alkalmazás, amely szavakat jelenít meg a képernyőn.

Az *Alice DNA* átveszi a népszerű szoftververzió által használt összes egyedi algoritmust és rutint, amelyet több éven keresztül fejlesztettek ki, és a saját házában/házában fut. Ez egy igazi önálló eszköz, az eredeti egyedi viselkedésével.

Ezenkívül most már hallhatóan bejelenti az egyes szavakat, amikor kiválasztják őket, és egyértelműen megjeleníti azokat (ez a Windows verzió nagyon gyakran kért funkciója).

Az Alice Box DNA Psychokinetic ITC Device kétsoros kijelzővel is rendelkezik, amely az aktuális szót és az előző szót mutatja.

A képgalériában látható Retro Alice Box kérésre megépíthető, további részletekért és árakért forduljon hozzám bizalommal.

Ez rendkívül érdekes és hangulatos vizsgálatokhoz vezet!

Alice-nek 4xAA alkáli elemre lesz szüksége, amely körülbelül 6-8 órányi folyamatos használatot biztosít. A használt alkáli elemek gyártmányától függően az Alice tovább működhet. Ha az elemeket cserélni kell, a készülék időnként újraindul, miután kimondott szavakat vagy hallható kattanást hall.


Akkor mi az a TKI???

Az instrumentális transzkommunikációt Ernst Senkowski professzor, német fizikus adta a szellemekkel bármilyen elektronikus úton történő érintkezés technikájának leírására, legyen szó a szellemek képeinek rögzítéséről, hangjuk rögzítéséről, vagy újabban a korszerű elektronikus berendezéseken keresztül történő közvetlen befolyásolásról. hogy kommunikálni tudjanak velünk.

A transzkommunikációkutatás és a médiumfejlesztés különféle típusai terén végzett több éves tevékenység után kapcsolatunk erősödött szellemi partnereinkkel, és megtanultunk velük kapcsolatot teremteni és kommunikálni.

Az instrumentális transzkommunikáció (ICT) és az elektronikus hangjelenségek (EPV) a fizikai közvetítés szempontjainak tekintendők, mivel a szellem cselekvései a tárgyakra, különösen a berendezésekre is hatással vannak.


mit csinál ALICE???

Az Alice Box DNA Psychokinetic TCI eszköz egy egyedi tervezésű szoftver, amely Windows-eszköztől függetlenül működik.

Nagyon hosszú fejlesztési időszak után, valamint a természetes nyelvi programozás (NLP) és a mesterséges intelligencia (AI) speciális területein a programozói ismeretek széles skálájának felhasználása után ez ideális eszköz bármely paranormális csoport arzenáljához a nyomozási munkához. egy helyszínről.

Váltakozó pásztázó fényei hipnotikusan villognak, miközben a számítógép áramköre külső befolyást hív a spirituális entitásoktól.

A programozott áramkörök és kódok befolyásolásakor a jelzőfények abbahagyják a villogást, és rövid, néhány másodperces szünet után egy teljes szó vagy kifejezés nagyon jól láthatóan megjelenik a kimeneti soron, így minden csapat el tudja olvasni, majd egy hangos bemondás követi. a szó..

Belső szótára az Alice eredeti változatából származik, innen ered az Alice DNS elnevezés.

A használat során az Alice Box DNA Psychokinetic TCI eszköz rendkívül pontosnak és relevánsnak bizonyult a paranormális vizsgálatok során. Csillagászatilag kicsi az esélye annak, hogy a különböző szavakat és kifejezéseket véletlenszerűen választják ki! A konzisztencia és a relevancia valóban megdöbbentő volt a tesztelés során, és továbbra is ámulatba ejt…nem ritka, hogy valódi neveket közölnek, amelyek erős, ellenőrizhető kapcsolatban állnak a vizsgált épülettel.

Alice Box DNA Psychokinetic ITC Gerät

Die Alice Box DNA ITC Box ist jetzt als eigenständiges Handheld-Gerät erhältlich, das bequem mit 4 x AA-Alkalibatterien betrieben wird !! Die neue Alice, sie lebt und ist begierig darauf, bei Ihrem nächsten paranormalen Abenteuer eingesetzt zu werden !!

Die Alice Box DNA ITC Box ist auch über unseren EU-Online-Vertrieb erhältlich

Um die Entwicklung von Alice seit der Entwicklung der Windows-basierten Anwendung im Jahr 2013 zu sehen, besuchen Sie bitte

Warum nicht der ALICE Box-Community-Seite auf Facebook beitreten? Sie können ALICE in Aktion und Kommentare von anderen Benutzern sehen!

Ich arbeite seit einiger Zeit eng mit Jo Saul zusammen, dem Schöpfer der ursprünglichen Windows-basierten Version von Alice, und als Ergebnis haben wir eine vollständig integrierte Hardwareversion von Alicebox erstellt.

Diejenigen unter Ihnen, die die Windows-Version der Alice Box verwendet haben, werden wissen, dass es sich um eine psychokinetische App handelt, die Wörter auf dem Bildschirm anzeigt.

* Alice DNA * nimmt alle einzigartigen Algorithmen und Routinen, die von der beliebten Softwareversion verwendet und über mehrere Jahre entwickelt wurden, und läuft in einem eigenen Chassis / Gehäuse. Es ist ein echtes eigenständiges Gerät mit dem einzigartigen Verhalten des Originals.


Außerdem wird jetzt jedes ausgewählte Wort akustisch angesagt und deutlich angezeigt (eine sehr häufig gewünschte Funktion für die Windows-Version).

Das Alice Box DNA Psychokinetic ITC Device hat auch ein zweizeiliges Display, das das aktuelle Wort und das vorherige Wort anzeigt.

Die in der Bildergalerie gezeigte Retro Alice Box kann auf Anfrage gebaut werden, bitte kontaktieren Sie mich für weitere Details und Preise.

Das wird für einige äußerst interessante und atmosphärische Untersuchungen sorgen!

Alice benötigt 4 x AA-Alkalibatterien, die ungefähr 6-8 Stunden ununterbrochenen Gebrauch ermöglichen. Je nach Marke der verwendeten Alkaline-Batterien kann Alice länger laufen. Wenn die Batterien gewechselt werden müssen, wird das Gerät gelegentlich zurückgesetzt, nachdem Wörter angesagt wurden, oder ein hörbares Klicken abgespielt.


Das Alice Box DNA Psychokinetic ITC Device ist ein speziell entwickeltes Softwareprogramm, das unabhängig von einem Windows-Gerät läuft.

Sie ist sehr lange in der Entwicklung und nutzt weitreichende Programmierkenntnisse in den Spezialgebieten der Programmierung natürlicher Sprache (NLP) und der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI). Sie ist ein ideales Gerät, um das Arsenal jeder paranormalen Gruppe für die Untersuchungsarbeit vor Ort zu erweitern.

Ihre abwechselnden Scan-Lichter blinken hypnotisch, während die Schaltkreise im Computer externe Einflüsse durch Geistwesen einladen.

Wenn die programmierte Schaltung und der Code beeinflusst werden, hören die Lichter auf zu blinken und nach einer kurzen Pause von einigen Sekunden wird ein Wort oder ein ganzer Satz auf ihrer Ausgangsleitung sehr deutlich für das gesamte Team lesbar angezeigt, gefolgt von einer hörbaren Ansage das Wort ..

Ihr internes Wörterbuch wurde von der Originalversion von Alice dupliziert, daher der Name Alice DNA.

Im Einsatz hat sich das Alice Box DNA Psychokinetic ITC Device als bemerkenswert genau und relevant bei paranormalen Untersuchungen erwiesen. Die Chancen, dass die verschiedenen Wörter und Phrasen, die sie ausgibt, zufällig ausgewählt werden, sind astronomisch gering! Konsistenz und Relevanz waren während der Versuche wirklich atemberaubend, und sie verblüfft immer wieder … es ist nicht ungewöhnlich, dass sie tatsächliche Namen nennt, die eine starke überprüfbare Verbindung mit dem untersuchten Gebäude haben


Alice Box DNA psycho kinetisches ITC-Gerät
Die Alice Box DNA ITC Box ist jetzt als eigenständiges Handheld-Gerät erhältlich, das bequem mit 4 x AA-Alkalibatterien betrieben wird !! Die neue Alice, sie lebt und ist begierig darauf, bei Ihrem nächsten paranormalen Abenteuer eingesetzt zu werden !!

Ich arbeite seit einiger Zeit eng mit Jo Saul zusammen, dem Schöpfer der ursprünglichen Windows-basierten Version von Alice, und als Ergebnis haben wir eine vollständig integrierte Hardwareversion von Alicebox erstellt.

Diejenigen unter Ihnen, die die Windows-Version der Alice Box verwendet haben, werden wissen, dass es sich um eine psychokinetische App handelt, die Wörter auf dem Bildschirm anzeigt.


* Alice DNA * nimmt alle einzigartigen Algorithmen und Routinen, die von der beliebten Softwareversion verwendet und über mehrere Jahre entwickelt wurden, und läuft in einem eigenen Chassis / Gehäuse. Es ist ein echtes eigenständiges Gerät mit dem einzigartigen Verhalten des Originals.

Außerdem wird jetzt jedes ausgewählte Wort akustisch angesagt und deutlich angezeigt (eine sehr häufig gewünschte Funktion für die Windows-Version).


Alice Infinte ist unser neuestes Mitglied der Alice Box-Familie.

Um mehr zu erfahren, suchen Sie bitte in unserem Shop nach „Alice Infinite“.


Appareil TCI psychokinétique DNA Alice Box (Francais)

L’Alice Box DNA TCI Box est désormais disponible en tant qu’appareil portable autonome, alimenté de manière pratique par 4 piles alcalines AA !!

Pourquoi ne pas rejoindre la page communautaire ALICE Box sur Facebook ! Vous pouvez voir ALICE en action et les commentaires des autres utilisateurs !

Alice renaît, elle est vivante et désireuse d’être utilisée dans votre prochaine aventure paranormale !!



5 langues naturellement parlantes disponibles : Francais, anglais, allemand, italien et hongrois.

Je travaille en étroite collaboration avec Jo Saul, le créateur de la version originale d’Alice basée sur Windows, et nous avons donc créé une version matérielle entièrement intégrée d’Alicebox.

Pour ceux d’entre vous qui ont utilisé la version Windows d’Alice Box, vous saurez qu’il s’agit d’une application psychokinétique qui affiche des mots sur l’écran.

*Alice DNA* reprend tous les algorithmes et routines uniques utilisés par la version logicielle populaire et développés sur plusieurs années, et fonctionne dans son propre châssis/boîtier. Il s’agit d’un véritable appareil autonome avec le comportement unique de l’original.

De plus, cet appareil nous annonce désormais de manière audible chaque mot au fur et à mesure de sa sélection, tout en les affichant clairement (une fonctionnalité très souvent demandée pour la version Windows).

L’appareil Alice Box DNA Psychokinétique TCI dispose également d’un écran à deux lignes, qui affiche le mot actuel et le mot précédent.


Cela donnera lieu à des enquêtes extrêmement intéressantes et atmosphériques !


Alice nécessitera 4 piles alcalines AA qui fourniront environ 6 à 8 heures d’utilisation continue. Selon la marque des piles alcalines utilisées, Alice peut continuer à fonctionner plus longtemps. Lorsque les piles doivent être changées, l’appareil se réinitialise occasionnellement après avoir prononcé des mots ou émis un clic audible.


Alors, qu’est-ce que la TCI ???

La Transcommunication Instrumentale est le nom donné par le professeur Ernst Senkowski, physicien allemand afin de décrire la technique permettant de contacter les esprits par tout moyen électronique, que ce soit pour capturer des images d’esprits, enregistrer leurs voix ou, plus récemment, de les faire influencer directement à travers l’équipement électronique moderne afin qu’ils puissent communiquer avec nous.

Après des années d’activités dans le domaine de la recherche sur la transcommunication et de tous les différents types de développement de la médiumnité, notre relation s’est renforcée avec nos partenaires spirituels et nous avons appris à nous connecter et à communiquer avec eux.

La transcommunication instrumentale (TCI) et les phénomènes de voix électroniques (PVE) sont considérés comme des aspects de la médiumnité physique car les actions de l’esprit affectent également les objets, en particulier les équipements.


Et que fait ALICE ???

L’appareil Alice Box DNA Psychokinétique TCI est un logiciel conçu sur mesure qui fonctionne indépendamment d’un appareil Windows.

Après une très longue période de développement et utilisant un large éventail de compétences de programmeur dans les domaines spécialisés de la programmation en langage naturel (NLP) et de l’intelligence artificielle (IA), c’est un appareil idéal à ajouter à l’arsenal de tout groupe paranormal pour le travail d’investigation d’un lieu.

Ses lumières de balayage alternées clignotent de manière hypnotique tandis que les circuits de l’ordinateur invitent à l’influence externe d’entités spirituelles.

Au fur et à mesure que les circuits et le code programmés sont influencés, les lumières cessent de clignoter et après une brève pause de quelques secondes, un mot ou une phrase entière s’affiche très clairement sur sa ligne de sortie afin que toute l’équipe puisse le lire, suivi d’une annonce sonore du mot..

Son dictionnaire interne a été dupliqué à partir de la version originale d’Alice, d’où le nom d’Alice DNA.

Lors de son utilisation, l’appareil Alice Box DNA Psychokinétique TCI s’est avéré remarquablement précis et pertinent lors d’enquêtes paranormales. Les chances que les différents mots et phrases qu’elle produit soient sélectionnés au hasard sont astronomiquement faibles ! La cohérence et la pertinence ont été vraiment étonnantes au cours des essais, et elles continuent de surprendre… il n’est pas rare qu’elle donne de vrais noms qui ont des liens forts et vérifiables avec le bâtiment faisant l’objet de l’enquête.

A page dedicate to the Alice Box ITC device, from the windows based version through to the hardware versions that include Alice DNA ITC box and Alice Tusi.

Alice Box ITC Device Retro

Alice will requires 4xAA Alkaline Batteries that will provide approximately 6-8 hours of continued use.  Depending on the make of Alkaline batteries that are used, Alice may continue to run for longer.  When the batteries require changing, the device will occasionally reset after words have been announced or play an audible click.

The Alice Box ITC Device Retro is now available as a standalone handheld device conveniently powered by 4xAA Alkaline batteries!! The Rebirth of Alice, She is alive and eager to be used on your next Paranormal adventure!!

I’ve been working closely with Jo Saul, the creator of the original Windows based version of Alice for some time now, and as a result we have  created a fully integrated hardware version of Alicebox.

For those of you that have used the Windows version of the Alice Box, you will know that it is a psychokinetic app that displays words on the screen.

Alice Box ITC Device Retro takes all of the unique algorithms and routines used by the popular software version and developed over several years, and runs within its own chassis/enclosure. It’s a true stand-alone device with the unique behaviour of the original.

Additionally, it now audibly announces each word as they are selected, together with clearly displaying them (a very often requested feature for the Windows version).

The Alice Box ITC Device Retro also has a two line display, that shows the current word and the previous word.

This is going to make for some extremely interesting and atmospheric investigations!

Approx Size H-20cm W-15cm D-10cm



So what is ITC???

Instrumental Trans Communication is the name that has been given by Professor Ernst Senkowski, a German physicist, for the technique of contacting spirits using any electronic means, whether to capture the images of spirits, to record their voices, or, more lately, have them directly influence modern electronic equipment in order for them to communicate with us.

After years of activities in the domain of Trans Communication research, and in all the different types of mediumship development, our relationship has strengthened with our spirit partners, and we have learned how to connect with them and how to communicate with them.

Instrumental Trans Communication (ITC) and Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) are considered aspects of physical mediumship, as the spirit’s actions also affect the objects, specifically the equipment.

And what does ALICE do???

The Alice Box DNA Psychokinetic ITC Device is a custom designed software program which runs independently of a windows device.

In use, the Alice Box DNA Psychokinetic ITC Device has proven to be remarkably accurate and relevant during paranormal investigations. The chances of the various words and phrases which she has output being selected at random are astronomically small! Consistency and relevance have been truly breath-taking during trials, and she continues to amaze… it’s not uncommon for her to give actual names which have strong verifiable connections with the building being investigated.

A very long time in development and using wide ranging programmer skill sets in the specialised areas of natural language programming (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI), she is an ideal device to add to any paranormal group’s armoury for site investigative work.

Her alternating scan lights flash hypnotically whilst the circuitry within the computer invites external influence by spirit entities.

As the programmed circuitry and code is influenced, the lights stop flashing and after a brief pause of a few seconds, a word or an entire phrase is displayed on her output line very clearly for all of the team to read followed by an audible announcement of the word..

Her internal dictionary has been duplicated from the original version of Alice, hence the name Alice DNA being given.


The Retro box has the same circuitry and operates in the same manner as the standard box shown below.



Alice Box ITC Device (English)

The Rebirth of Alice, She is alive and eager to be used on your next Paranormal adventure!! You can see the evolution of Alice from the Windows based app first lauched in 2014 here

Alice will be supplied with an English Speaking Voice.

I’ve been working closely with Jo Saul, the creator of the original Windows based version of Alice for some time now, and as a result we have  created a fully integrated hardware version of Alicebox.

For those of you that have used the Windows version of the Alice Box, you will know that it is a psychokinetic app that displays words on the screen.

The Alice Box ITC Device takes all of the unique algorithms and routines used by the popular software version and developed over several years, and runs within its own chassis/enclosure. It’s a true stand-alone device with the unique behavior of the original.

Additionally, it now audibly announces each word as they are selected, together with clearly displaying them (a very often requested feature for the Windows version).

The device also has a two line display, that shows the current word and the previous word.

Alice will requires 4xAA Alkaline Batteries that will provide approximately 6-8 hours of continued use.  Depending on the make of Alkaline batteries that are used, Alice may continue to run for longer.  When the batteries require changing, the device will occasionally reset after words have been announced or play an audible click.

The following movie clip demonstrates the production model (Black Case) next to the concept model (Green Case)

Take a look at the original prototype Alice DNA see the movie clip below or click the play button in the corner of the image gallery..


So what is ITC???

Instrumental Trans Communication is the name that has been given by Professor Ernst Senkowski, a German physicist, for the technique of contacting spirits using any electronic means, whether to capture the images of spirits, to record their voices, or, more lately, have them directly influence modern electronic equipment in order for them to communicate with us.

After years of activities in the domain of Trans Communication research, and in all the different types of mediumship development, our relationship has strengthened with our spirit partners, and we have learned how to connect with them and how to communicate with them.

Instrumental Trans Communication (ITC) and Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) are considered aspects of physical mediumship, as the spirit’s actions also affect the objects, specifically the equipment.

And what does ALICE do???

The Alice Box ITC Device is a custom designed software program which runs independently of a windows device.

A very long time in development and using wide ranging programmer skill sets in the specialised areas of natural language programming ( NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI), she is an ideal device to add to any paranormal group’s armory for site investigative work.

Her alternating scan lights flash hypnotically whilst the circuitry within the computer invites external influence by spirit entities.

As the programmed circuitry and code is influenced, the lights stop flashing and after a brief pause of a few seconds, a word or an entire phrase is displayed on her output line very clearly for all of the team to read followed by an audible announcement of the word..

Her internal dictionary has been duplicated from the original version of Alice, hence the name Alice DNA being given.

In use, the Alice Box DNA Psychokinetic ITC Device has proven to be remarkably accurate and relevant during paranormal investigations. The chances of the various words and phrases which she has output being selected at random are astronomically small! Consistency and relevance have been truly breath-taking during trials, and she continues to amaze… it’s not uncommon for her to give actual names which have strong verifiable connections with the building being investigated.



A BIG Thanks to Miki York @UKHAUNTED for the images of Alice and Janet the haunted doll.