You’ve possibly seen our tutorial video showing you how to add sound to your KII meter. Its a tricky but easy enough mod to add a chirping noise to one of the most well known pieces of equipment used for ghost hunting and seeking out EMF.
Importing all of KII meters directly from KII Enterprises means that we only stock genuine KII devices and are only one of two companies within the UK that do. The majority of KII meters found on Ebay are a fraction of the cost but unfortunately fake! Another benefit of buying our KII meters directly from KII is that all of our latest stock of K-II meters have the latest S2a Revision Printed Circuit Boards inside. Due to the smaller size of components used on the new style boards, there is a little more room left inside the device of which Infraready have taken full opportunity to squeeze in some additional circuitry and have released two new modded KII meters to the paranormal field for testing throughout February 2020.
KII Mark Williams of The Ghost Finder Paranormal Society kindly offered to road test our latest KII Mods at Ettington Park.
Movie clips of the new mods can be seen at the bottom of the page and assuming that all tests go well will be available at on 1st March 2020

David Farmer
I ve got a k2 but unfortunately it got left outside for some time….. in a box…… but now when I switch it on three lights come on.
I ve unscrewed and looiked at the curcuit and there is just a small amount of oxidation on couple of contacts but I guess is enough to trash it?
So how much for new one?
YOu can have this one back if its any use…… it came from you.
When you switch it on the one light shows briefly then three light up.
I hve put up a new wifi securiity cmera is that what’s its picking up?
Id like one that works so thoughts please?
David Farmer (IBY para group telford)