Visage Paranormal have chosen to support the Andy’s Man Club Charity in 2019.

Why the Andy’s Man Club charity?
Infraready have decided to support this charity as it is very close to one of our team members hearts and we will be supplying some great ghost hunting equipment for the team to raffle off. They have a very personal reason for us supporting this charity. The team member themselves will be participating in fund raising activities this year so we thought it would be good idea to support his efforts by doing this as well. Let’s see if we can raise quite a bit of money for this worthy charity.
How are we going to raise funds?
We are going to be doing this by way of holding paid raffles on ALL of our events in 2019.
What do we mean by paid raffles?
Well in a nutshell as well as our regular FREE RAFFLE where guests will be given a raffle ticket we will also be selling raffle tickets on the night of the event and a raffle draw will take place for you to win some fantastic prizes.
Where do the prizes come from?
We have sent emails and letters out to various companies and individuals who have kindly donated the raffle prizes to us. We are please to announce this will include donations by Infraready Ghost Hunting Equipment.
What is Andy’s Man Club?
Andy’s Man Club was set up to raise awareness for the high suicide rate in males aged under 45. They have regular meetings every week in various locations up and down the country. The issues surrounding mental health in the UK have been widely documented and this charity sees more and more people walking through their doors every week. If you would like more information about the charity and what they do please visit their website at Andys Man Club is a Registered Charity in England and Wales (1179647) and a Company Limited by Guarantee, registered in England and Wales (11118153).
If you are coming to one of our events please help us raise these much needed funds.
Remember #itsokaytotalk #andysmanclub